


A10 Networks was founded in 2004 with a mission to provide innovative networking and security solutions. A10 Networks makes high-performance products that help organizations of all sizes accelerate, optimize and secure their applications. A10 Networks is a venture-funded, privately held, Silicon Valley-based technology company, with offices in the United States, United Kingdom, France, The Netherlands, Japan, China, Korea and Taiwan.

A10 Networks Timeline

The A10 Advantage

A10 Networks was founded by Lee Chen, a Layer 4-7 networking pioneer and the former co-founder of Foundry Networks and Centillion Networks, acquired by Nortel. A10 staffs experts in the areas of super computing, high-performance networking, server load balancing, bandwidth management and network identity management--to produce the new generation of networking and security equipment.

A10 has three product families in its portfolio: the AX Series advanced traffic manager; the EX Series bandwidth management appliance with identity; and the ID Series network management appliances. Each product family is based on a high-performance appliance platform that is architected for today's and tomorrow's applications, enabling multiple features to run on a single appliance without compromising performance.

All A10 products deliver the best price/performance in their class. There are no additional fees or licenses for features like SSL acceleration or for increased throughput. With A10, you buy the appliance, all the features are included, and customers are never nickel and dimed.

Why A10? Why Now?

A10 Networks was created with the notion of solving business problems through the innovative use of emerging technologies. With the rapid speed of innovation allowed today by advances in communication, customers choose A10 Networks to help their networks keep pace.

Ten years ago nobody forecasted the boom in video technology that we have today, including the online sharing of large files that makes networks increasingly relevant.

Twenty years ago nobody would have forecasted the bloom in email traffic, let alone the other sorts of traffic we have today with the advent of companies and products like the iPhone, Blackberry devices, Google, Yahoo, YouTube and many more.

Who is to say what people are doing 5 years from now; 10 years from now? But one thing is for sure: Networks will continue to become bigger, more bandwidth intensive, more complex--and require sophisticated management tools to perform efficiently.

It is this uncertainty of technology and increasing network growth and complexity that makes A10 relevant. Addressing this need today and in the future, A10 Networks delivers high-performance network management tools that Accelerate, Optimize, Secure, and provide unprecedented visibility for network traffic as it traverses down network pipes.

AX Series - Advanced Traffic Management
The AX Series is a new generation server load balancer with the industry's best price/performance, helping enterprises and ISPs to scale and maximize application availability through the world's most advanced application delivery platform. The AX Series is revolutionary by current market standards due to its Advanced Core Operating System (ACOS) with a native multi-core CPU, shared memory architecture, which is exponentially faster and more scalable than other systems on the market. With the AX Series, customers do not have to sacrifice features for performance. Plus, all features are included in the standard list price. Learn more »

EX Series - Bandwidth Management with Identity Reporting
A10 Networks' EX Series is the industry's only bandwidth management appliance with identity-based application visibility. By managing bandwidth and traffic with unprecedented user and application visibility, the EX Series helps organizations of all sizes secure, optimize and scale their network edge and perimeter. By consolidating multiple WAN bandwidth management functions into one optimized management platform, organizations can greatly simplify their management of edge services, and increase performance and reliability for applications. Learn more »

ID Series - Network Identity Management
The ID Series contains the industry's only network identity management appliances delivering integrated features that resolve IP addresses to user identity (IP-to-ID) instantly, simplify user password management with the User Self Help Web Portal, provision user account management, and enhance RADIUS authentication and access control. The ID Series IP-to-ID Service has earned the company numerous awards, enterprise deployments and technical partnerships. A10 Networks markets ID Series through resellers under the A10 Networks brand, and through agreements with technical partners such as Lancope, RSA (a division of EMC), WildPackets, RetiCorp and FireScope. Learn more »

  • BMC
  • Syteca
  • Cigent
  • Netreo
  • Viettel Cyber Security
  • Arista
  • Antaira
  • StarWind
  • A10Networks
  • Unitrends
  • Ecessa
  • Infortrend
  • Netka System
  • Sophos
  • Axway
  • AlienVault


  • Yahoo!

  • Skype